Far be it from me –

Stressors Leading To Mental Health Breakdown


This is a review of  Don’t Mind Me (Paperback) by Judith Haire

Judith has given a very brutal and frank account of her decline into her psychosis. Her story is spread over three phases of her life, childhood, adulthood and becoming her own person.This can only highlight the responsibility parents have into getting “it right” for their children. The stress Judith endured during her childhood appeared to dampen her own self value, not allowing her to enjoy three basic needs of life, comfort, love and safety. Her bleak story of unhappiness within the family appeared to exacerbate the co dependency she developed with the wrong people as an adult, in her aim to find happiness.

As a professional it brings home the importance of spending time with a person, you need not understand the intricacies of their psychosis, but giving the person a sense of security and understanding is paramount towards their journey to recovery.Throw into the equation; should Psychiatrists explain to their patients the known side effects of antipsychotics? Instead of taking a Paternalistic decision that could potentially devastate physical health at a later date. Perhaps this should be discussed with the family whilst the person is in such distress?

The most powerful aspect of Judith’s story was her ability to accept ownership of her mental health. Her decision to stop medication and facilitating her own discharge from Mental Health Services was a sign that at last, she has found the confidence and self worth that was suppressed in her for all those years.Stress appears to be the trigger in Judith’s decline in her mental health. Finally she has appeared to have found a way to cope with this. Judith has shared her remarkable success throughout her journey to recovery. A brave and courageous lady and I wish her a healthy life in the future.


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